Happy New Year!
New Year Special EXTENDED through February,
any class any day and any time

"Thank you for your excellent help yesterday. My intuition told me it would be the right thing to do and the one-on-one training was particularly advantageous. Additionally, Mr. Alladio's anecdotes and corollaries taught some very important medical legal principles that emergency physicians need to definitely know."
~ Sharon McBeth, MD ~

Serving Riverside, San Diego, Los Angeles, and outside surrounding counties

In cooperation withthe Department of DefenseSTOP THE BLEED® Campaign
STOP THE BLEED® is a national campaign to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. It is a public/private partnership led by the Department of Defense and many other stakeholders.
​Code Blue CPR is a proud Fire family-owned company with over 35 years of experience.
We are incredibly excited to bring to our community, life saving high quality CPR. Code Blue CPR teaches you how to respond confidently to an emergency situation, take command of a scene, provide effective life saving skills to ensure the highest quality care delivered to a patient or victim.

John Patrick Alladio
Instructor ID# 06150333251

Leticia Fritzsche Instructor ID #06150333739
We employ professional safety educators with real life emergency experiences that offer easy to understand, hands-on instructor-led classes. We provide in house, office or mobile flexibility for your convenience, adding value to your CPR experience.